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Annette Moffatt

Glorious Gardens Tour Guide

Annette Moffatt

Annette Moffat is President of the Island Bay Gardening Club and loves to see plants valued. She loves this quote from Voltaire:  "Life is bristling with thorns, and I know no other remedy than to cultivate one's garden."

She has lived in Island Bay for 40 years and been active in the community through various local groups and community organisations - such as the Wellington Southern Bays Historical Society and the Southern Environmental Association (two great groups in Island Bay!).

Annette's other passion is the bush. Paekawakawa Reserve is just a few houses away from her home. Paekawakawa Reserve is a place of solace and joy, and she counts herself lucky to be a friend and & supporter of the Reserve.

Annette loves to see people gardening outside their domestic confines so was happy to be asked to help with the "Garden to Table" initiative at St. Francis de Sales School.

She loves walking the streets of Island Bay with her little foxie, and looking over fences, being surprised and delighted with people's gardens!

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